
Friday, January 16, 2015

I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to the point when I was 18 yrs of age my mother had me under go a Gastric Bypass. Which helps but still is not the answer. I have found that over the years is gets harder and  harder to keep the weight off ( especially when you have family that can eat WHAT EVER ), but hey no haters here, well maybe a little. But anyway I have been drinking these products from Vemma , their weight loss product is super easy especially with the phone app that tells you what and when to eat.Super easy. I have past the 10 pound mark with little exercise and not feeling starved or hungry. The nicest thing I don't even really crave the junk food. I drink the Verve drinks for energy, Mojo when I wanna coffee. Liquid vitamins daily, which I haven't felt so good in so long without having to have my B-12 shots and Iron shots ( which my ass / thigh does not miss). I have  finally feel rested. These products have done a wonderful number on my household. I love telling people about them and how it can change their lives. Get with the future and DRINK YOUR VITAMINS. Stop spending money on energy drinks that make you crash and burn and are not even good for you. These are. Check out the science for yourself on my website.

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