
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning...: Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning with my Vemma liquid supplement. Drank my Bode chocolate Shake. This morning I added a ...
Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning with my Vemma liquid supplement. Drank my Bode chocolate Shake. This morning I added a little strawberry to it with 3 ice cubes, soo gooood, just blended up and go. Then Cindi had her morning Next Vemma supplement drink, jumped into her play Jeep and off she went to conquer her day. I also found the best tuna fish, so fresh tasting without all the junk and LOOKS like tuna. It's is made by Wild Planet. SO great and good for you. It is poll and troll caught which is great for the environment and the sustainability of the Tuna population. You can get on Amazon for a reasonable price, a few cents more then the Main stream Tuna that looks and tastes like cat food after you have this.  I am going to work out a little to day, my daughter wants to, since she watched a Barbie show about working out and getting your heart and body healthier. Since I have been drinking these Vemma liquid nutrition supplements I have never felt so energized. Then later having my after shake, light snack, then a Bode Burn drink. The Burn is AWESOME, it has energy and burns calories, boost metabolism, what to hate about that. Energy without the crash.... hell ya baby. Like I have stated before you have to try these

Friday, January 16, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to ...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to ...: I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to the point when I was 18 yrs of age my mother had me under go a Gastric Bypass. Which hel...
I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to the point when I was 18 yrs of age my mother had me under go a Gastric Bypass. Which helps but still is not the answer. I have found that over the years is gets harder and  harder to keep the weight off ( especially when you have family that can eat WHAT EVER ), but hey no haters here, well maybe a little. But anyway I have been drinking these products from Vemma , their weight loss product is super easy especially with the phone app that tells you what and when to eat.Super easy. I have past the 10 pound mark with little exercise and not feeling starved or hungry. The nicest thing I don't even really crave the junk food. I drink the Verve drinks for energy, Mojo when I wanna coffee. Liquid vitamins daily, which I haven't felt so good in so long without having to have my B-12 shots and Iron shots ( which my ass / thigh does not miss). I have  finally feel rested. These products have done a wonderful number on my household. I love telling people about them and how it can change their lives. Get with the future and DRINK YOUR VITAMINS. Stop spending money on energy drinks that make you crash and burn and are not even good for you. These are. Check out the science for yourself on my website.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow what a great day. After ANOTHER late night wit...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow what a great day. After ANOTHER late night wit...: Wow what a great day. After ANOTHER late night with my little night owl ( like mother, like daughter). But since we all have been taking o...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. F...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. F...: I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. From starting my own business, traveling, and spending time with my family that if I didn...
I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. From starting my own business, traveling, and spending time with my family that if I didnt have these products by Vemma, there would be no way for me to be losing weight and feel energized. I am so glad to have become my own boss and to be using these great products from Vemma. The Chris Powell app, that I can use with my Bode product is great. It lets me know exactly when and what to eat. Even if I go out to eat there is a whole huge list to choose from. 7 pounds lost and feeling great. Check it out for yourself .