
Friday, January 2, 2015

My Family starting the Year off RIGHT

My family seems to be starting the year off to a GREAT start. We are an early to rise family up before 6 am most mornings and my daughter is ready to drink her Vemma Next. She loves the taste and I feel great giving it to her so i know she will have the vitamins she needs to have an energy filled day. Plus when she becomes picky at dinner time and doesn't want to eat all her veggies, I know she is good cause of her Vemma Next. My husband works at our local airport and is around people all day from all over the Country, so usually he comes into contact with some crazy colds, then of coarse not getting enough sleep doesn't help. But since he has started drinking his daily Vemma vitamin supplement drink ( V2 ) he has felt better, no long has dark circles under his eyes, plus being a guy and very lazy the drink is easier for him to remember then the vitamin pills he tried to take in the past. I on the other hand have been drinking the weight loss product along with the Vemma daily shot drink and for my energy needs any of the Verve products ( all are super tasty). SO far I have lost almost 5 pds after 17 days with little exercise, An 1 inch off my waist. This week I have kicked up my daily work out to at least 25 minutes in the morning, living in Florida the weather is great to take an early stroll. But best part of getting my family healthier is that I get to make an income doing so. Try it for If you just wanna get healthier go to or for both . I mean how many people get paid to get healthy..... not

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