
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Well crazy does not even cover the day I had today. I had to try and work at home ( business is doing great, I love helping people reach their goals of weight loss, or improving their health, or even getting more energy with a great energy I offer ) but I had to call some of my customers, get on conference calls and be on group education calls, get ready to go back to work for Tuesday ( awesome dentist ),  Get all meals ready , and play and have fun activities with my daughter in between  it all! So crazy again I am thankful I had my meals completed, breakfast coffee and a Bode Build for me, Cindi toast and berries then lunch simply a Bode shake smoothie, light snack, same for dinner, followed by a Bode Burn between lunch and dinner. My daughter had simple healthy lunch ( veggies and tuna)plus her Next Vitamin drink ( I had my Vemma 2oz shooter at breakfast) and then they had (husband included ) a Healthy simple dinner, baked porkchop and veggies, jasmine rice. Now that my day is just about over. I am going to have a nice shower,do my hair, then have my Bode Rest drink. They also are great, super yummy. I love the Bode Rest before bed so relaxing and helps end the day. The fact I can help boost my metabolism while I sleep is AWESOME. Added benefit it is recommended before bed to help you feel calm and rested, how great is that for a diet anything. But hey check out for yourself. Everybody has crazy days and some products are great to help you get through them and these products by Vemma are so convenient,tasty, and price effective why wouldn't you try them for yourself. Take a look if you don't believe me. Hay and to report even my Dad who is on the weight loss plan has seen a difference 8 pounds since he has been on them. www.skelly813.vemma. take a look for yourself, it's worth a look.

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