
Sunday, January 18, 2015

A light bulb went off today, I have found a super easy way to get some exercise, but having fun with my daughter, Playing tag for 5 minutes outside. Hide and seek is awesome. We just now finished a " whistle while we work" house cleaning session. Spent an hour sweeping,moping, dusting house while we listened to Disney songs dressed like princesses. Super easy and burned calories while getting chores done, plus the fun of my little helper was cool. I got to burn calories, clean and spend time with my daughter. After I had a Verve, along with a Bode Cleanse. I feel so great. For lunch I had a simple snack with my Bode shake and my daughter had her simple healthy lunch. Play time with kids is a great way to have fun and burn calories. Then revive with a Verve or a Mojo ( a great ice coffee drink ). I mean it's winter and there is lots to do inside if the weather is awful outside. Also remember don't live by the scale. Weight yourself once a week. Yes ONCE A WEEK. While trying to get healthier your weight will always change. The best way to keep track really is by using the Bode app by Vemma. It helps you keep track. I just love the fact I get to eat REAL food, feel better, and my ass is thanking me for it. Check out for yourself

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