
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Well I am totally, really into Game of War now and decided to pull an all nighter and played till dawn. The battles, the upgrades, THE POWER you wheeled is great. My daughter has even gotten into the action and cheers me on when I battle a kingdom and burn them to the ground. So much fun and thank goodness for Verve. I got plenty of energy and was able to stay awake and not feel horrible at all. No shaking, no upset tummy, no headaches; which by drinking most  energy drinks on the market can do to you. Then after my marathon of Game of War in the early dawn ( 6am or 7am  ) had my Bode Shake, a light snack ( slice of cheese, 2 slices of ham ), then followed it up with a cleanse to set up a successful day of Having FUN with my daughter. Have lots planned. Whistle while we work ( dress like princess's and clean house), barbies should lead through to the afternoon. Then later today I think a little hide and seek, should do. It is a chilly one today here in Florida so we will stay inside ( plenty of hiding places). Then tonight she and I will make dinner. My husband really wants to get her interested in cooking. I just like the fact she is interested in making it healthy and fun. We watch some clips on Youtube to get some parent kid friendly ideas on what to make for dinner ( tons on youtube) then we prep, cook and clean all while dressed in our aprons and chefs hats, I got them from the thrift store. She feels so super involved. I got her a special knife from the flea market that cuts everything but skin. Really cheap and easy to find. I think Bed Bath and Beyond have them also , but I don't like spending a lot , so went to the local flea market and got one. Then dinner....yum yum. Before bed tonight ,I think, it will  be time to scrub the tub. It's a great way to get your tub clean and your kid. Take liquid ivory soap, dye with bathtub color tabs for kids, and a scrub brush. They go to town clean most of the tub, themselves. Then when I get her out. I finish with a little scrubbing bubbles and a scrub brush. Fun for all. They do most of the work. But I could not do this without my Mojo iced coffee in late morning and an afternoon Bode Burn , followed by a Verve in early evening. Best thing is it all tastes great and is good for me to-boot.Check out for yourself

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