
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We can all make smart choices everyday on what to eat, but staying with it is where it gets hard. I mean you want that candy bar, 3 cookies, 2 scoops of ice cream.... well you can have it, just not all of it. If you don't get your craving out of the way, you will go over board. Have a least one day where the day is guilt free. That's the only thing I love about the Vemma Bode weight loss system. You use the Bode app with TV celeb Chris Powell, who helps you get through everyday, alerting you eating correctly, when to eat, and what you can have from a huge selection. If your not going to my site , then you must not be that involved with your health, feeling better, increasing your energy. We spend money on fake already made food that tastes like plastic and/or pay them to tell us how good or bad we are doing and that we need to buy this, count that, smell this, exercise at a gym. NOT this program, your in control, get a 2 minute inspiration tip and do your day. Enjoy real food you can buy anywhere along with with your shake, maybe enjoy a cleanse to help you kickstart your system ( 7 days only ). Drink a Bode Burn to get you that afternoon boost without the crash. I just have never felt so GREAT. If I lived in a state where there was a mountain I wood shout it. Maybe I will settle for a roof top.

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