
Monday, January 19, 2015

You know when I look at my daughter, I wish I could feel that great about how she is in her skin. She doesn't stress over her butt size, how her legs look in shorts, hell she would live her life naked if she could. I am starting to see my body the way she does. I am getting healthier for me, thinner for me. Not other people. We get bombarded by being super skinny, I just wanna get healthier and be as confident as my daughter is. Well I am on that road with the Vemma Bode product, it sure is getting my butt thinner and along with the Verve I feel so much better. I have also found that even though I am not much of a baker, but you can use the Bode shake powder in muffins, for a lighter muffin, healthier for you and taste so good. Plus last night I wanted some ice cream ( not much, don't really care for it, since my gastric bypass it usually makes me ill ) but I took some Almond milk ( I don't drink cow milk, upsets my tummy) and Bode powder two scoops blended it with 4 ice cubes and added some frozen fruit. Put in the freeze for 20-30 minutes. OMG was it good, no tummy upset, got my ice cream craving along with the chocolate craving I wanted so BADLY. If I had gone to the store it would have taken just as long to get something that would have made me fat, wasted gas driving there and back, and flushed my money down the drain spending on fast food junk, plus I would have had to get some for my daughter. But instead I made my own Mommy ice cream. We all loved it and felt great about feeding it to my family. Healthier for us and taste just as great. Vemma even has a coffee flavored drink, I bet I could do something AWESOME with it. I will have to brain storm it tonight and give it a try. Try these products for yourself, why wait your waste line won't.

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