
Monday, February 2, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Hi People! Thank goodness for the Vemma products t...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Hi People! Thank goodness for the Vemma products t...: Hi People! Thank goodness for the Vemma products this week. My first full week at work. I have been able to get the energy for a full day ...
Hi People! Thank goodness for the Vemma products this week. My first full week at work. I have been able to get the energy for a full day of work. I have been drinking my Bode for breakfast  and for lunch with a light snack in between and have felt full all day and not starving. The best is that after 4:00 pm Bode Burn to help speed up my afternoon. Then with the Bode Rest at bed it just helps my day and now that I am working no more snacking. My butt is looking skinner already. Woo-eee.
So if my big butt can do this program anybody can. I have never had this much energy and felt this great in the longest time. To have the energy to keep up with my daughter is awesome. I can even sleep through the night and if you know me that is super hard. check it out talk to you later.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Just another quickie today. I just found out the V...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Just another quickie today. I just found out the V...: Just another quickie today. I just found out the Vemma has a get deal on their weight loss product Bode for your complete health needs. Th...
Just another quickie today. I just found out the Vemma has a get deal on their weight loss product Bode for your complete health needs. The deals so good I have a couple of my friends on in now and they have already lost weight and it's only been a week. I am super excited for them. Summer time is coming and we are going to be the " Hotties" on the beach. I mean being a red head I might be covered from head to toe but at least I will look good. Call me, send me an email, what ever it takes. I wanna help you get your health and waist line back.  check it out for yourself. I myself have never felt better. I feel rested, healthier, and not to mention thinner. check it out for yourself. Stop wasting your money on products that DON'T work get one that .

Friday, January 30, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Man I have been busy! Thank goodness for the conve...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Man I have been busy! Thank goodness for the conve...: Man I have been busy! Thank goodness for the convenience of the Bode products by Vemma. This way during my busy day I already have my meals ...
Man I have been busy! Thank goodness for the convenience of the Bode products by Vemma. This way during my busy day I already have my meals made, snacks made and energy drinks at my finger tips when the day gets slamming. I can save my money and my waist line by consuming my ready to go Healthy drinks and supper easy snacks that I brought with me to work. No need for fast food junk any more. I mean the other day when I was watching the news is saw that 28.8% of Americans are OBESE. That is not just over weight, that is OBESE and that almost 47.9% of Americans do not not get their daily nutritional intake of vitamins! That is crazy. I mean come in, get yourself stated to on the path to health and wealth. I mean with Vemma you can get it all, weight loss, energy, improved health, and even an income. Start now

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: The only thing I have to say to day is I would not...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: The only thing I have to say to day is I would not...: The only thing I have to say to day is I would not been able to make it through if it was not for my Verve Bold and Bode shakes, along wit...
The only thing I have to say to day is I would not been able to make it through if it was not for my Verve Bold and Bode shakes, along with my Bode Burn. Super tired. Up late with my daughter, up early for work and late to bed now. Now going to bed. Have a good day or night. Check out for yourself . I am so tired thank goodness for spell check.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Not much to say today. Getting ready to go work at...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Not much to say today. Getting ready to go work at...: Not much to say today. Getting ready to go work at my Dream office. Now I am going to working 2 jobs and help raise my daughter. thank goo...
Not much to say today. Getting ready to go work at my Dream office. Now I am going to working 2 jobs and help raise my daughter. thank goodness for Vemma. I am so glad I am on a weight loss plan that has an app that will tell me when and what to eat , so that getting my meals ready for the next day is super easy. Now that I will be out and about more I will get even more exercise then I currently have been which means MORE WEIGHT LOSS. I have every thing ready, even dinner for a quick heat to eat healthy dinner. Have my Bode shake ready, Verve and Bode burn for the afternoon. I will start my morning off with my Vemma nutritional 2 oz shot. I am ready to work the smiles and make those frowns turn upside down ( smile). This best thing about the Bode program is the FREE app. I mean really anybody can use it. Check out for yourself or better yet get your healthy back and go to to see for your self.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Well crazy does not even cover the day I had today...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Well crazy does not even cover the day I had today...: Well crazy does not even cover the day I had today. I had to try and work at home ( business is doing great, I love helping people reach t...
Well crazy does not even cover the day I had today. I had to try and work at home ( business is doing great, I love helping people reach their goals of weight loss, or improving their health, or even getting more energy with a great energy I offer ) but I had to call some of my customers, get on conference calls and be on group education calls, get ready to go back to work for Tuesday ( awesome dentist ),  Get all meals ready , and play and have fun activities with my daughter in between  it all! So crazy again I am thankful I had my meals completed, breakfast coffee and a Bode Build for me, Cindi toast and berries then lunch simply a Bode shake smoothie, light snack, same for dinner, followed by a Bode Burn between lunch and dinner. My daughter had simple healthy lunch ( veggies and tuna)plus her Next Vitamin drink ( I had my Vemma 2oz shooter at breakfast) and then they had (husband included ) a Healthy simple dinner, baked porkchop and veggies, jasmine rice. Now that my day is just about over. I am going to have a nice shower,do my hair, then have my Bode Rest drink. They also are great, super yummy. I love the Bode Rest before bed so relaxing and helps end the day. The fact I can help boost my metabolism while I sleep is AWESOME. Added benefit it is recommended before bed to help you feel calm and rested, how great is that for a diet anything. But hey check out for yourself. Everybody has crazy days and some products are great to help you get through them and these products by Vemma are so convenient,tasty, and price effective why wouldn't you try them for yourself. Take a look if you don't believe me. Hay and to report even my Dad who is on the weight loss plan has seen a difference 8 pounds since he has been on them. www.skelly813.vemma. take a look for yourself, it's worth a look.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Well I am totally, really into Game of War now and...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Well I am totally, really into Game of War now and...: Well I am totally, really into Game of War now and decided to pull an all nighter and played till dawn. The battles, the upgrades, THE POWER...
Well I am totally, really into Game of War now and decided to pull an all nighter and played till dawn. The battles, the upgrades, THE POWER you wheeled is great. My daughter has even gotten into the action and cheers me on when I battle a kingdom and burn them to the ground. So much fun and thank goodness for Verve. I got plenty of energy and was able to stay awake and not feel horrible at all. No shaking, no upset tummy, no headaches; which by drinking most  energy drinks on the market can do to you. Then after my marathon of Game of War in the early dawn ( 6am or 7am  ) had my Bode Shake, a light snack ( slice of cheese, 2 slices of ham ), then followed it up with a cleanse to set up a successful day of Having FUN with my daughter. Have lots planned. Whistle while we work ( dress like princess's and clean house), barbies should lead through to the afternoon. Then later today I think a little hide and seek, should do. It is a chilly one today here in Florida so we will stay inside ( plenty of hiding places). Then tonight she and I will make dinner. My husband really wants to get her interested in cooking. I just like the fact she is interested in making it healthy and fun. We watch some clips on Youtube to get some parent kid friendly ideas on what to make for dinner ( tons on youtube) then we prep, cook and clean all while dressed in our aprons and chefs hats, I got them from the thrift store. She feels so super involved. I got her a special knife from the flea market that cuts everything but skin. Really cheap and easy to find. I think Bed Bath and Beyond have them also , but I don't like spending a lot , so went to the local flea market and got one. Then dinner....yum yum. Before bed tonight ,I think, it will  be time to scrub the tub. It's a great way to get your tub clean and your kid. Take liquid ivory soap, dye with bathtub color tabs for kids, and a scrub brush. They go to town clean most of the tub, themselves. Then when I get her out. I finish with a little scrubbing bubbles and a scrub brush. Fun for all. They do most of the work. But I could not do this without my Mojo iced coffee in late morning and an afternoon Bode Burn , followed by a Verve in early evening. Best thing is it all tastes great and is good for me to-boot.Check out for yourself

Friday, January 23, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I am not much of  baker, but I try. My daughter lo...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I am not much of  baker, but I try. My daughter lo...: I am not much of  baker, but I try. My daughter loves to bake, so when it comes to bake goods, the sugar, chocolate and all that other stuff...
I am not much of  baker, but I try. My daughter loves to bake, so when it comes to bake goods, the sugar, chocolate and all that other stuff doesn't make for a very healthy cookie. So I have been using the shake instead of candy pieces. Almond milk instead of cow milk. Liquid eggs instead of regular eggs.  They come out great, 2 scoops is all you need for a reg batch. Even sugar cookies are easy, subtract 1/2 cup of the sugar with the Bode Shake, chocolate or vanilla works great 2 scoops. They are supper tasty and better for you. I have even changed her milkshakes and smoothie with the Bode smoothie, Bode ice cream. SO easy. Muffins, cookies, ice cream, everything you can do at home in your own kitchen and in very little time. We now make our deserts at home now, more fun and better for us all. Fun times in the kitchen, better eating and food choices are turning my family around. Get your healthy back start

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Last night I was staring into my husbands eyes, ju...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Last night I was staring into my husbands eyes, ju...: Last night I was staring into my husbands eyes, just because I noticed something... the dark circles he had under his eyes were almost gon...
Last night I was staring into my husbands eyes, just because I noticed something... the dark circles he had under his eyes were almost gone. Before he always looked like someone hit me in the eye and now almost gone. He said that it seemed since he has been taking the Liquid Vemma daily vitamin shots he has felt better, less tired and more energized ( probably cause he is getting the nutrients his body needs ) that the circles have slowing gone away. Of coarse me staring into his eyes usually can lead to other things, but our lovely little girl was up and by the time I was ready for bed he was asleep. I mean he does get up daily around 5:15 am EST, and usually goes to bed around 10 pm, due to his work schedule. Me being a night owl, like my little one, stayed up for a while. But gosh darn I can't believe the circles are almost gone. He LOOKS ALIVE and no longer zombie like. Wow, feeling great for all of us, more energized and my waist line getting smaller, along with my booty, I can't see why anyone would not want to feel this way. You need to check it out. Get feeling better and see the changes for yourself.I know they are making my life better and my , and they cool thing is owning your own business if you want , doesn't hurt to be making a living making other people feel healthier, energized and thinner.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: We can all make smart choices everyday on what to ...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: We can all make smart choices everyday on what to ...: We can all make smart choices everyday on what to eat, but staying with it is where it gets hard. I mean you want that candy bar, 3 cookie...
We can all make smart choices everyday on what to eat, but staying with it is where it gets hard. I mean you want that candy bar, 3 cookies, 2 scoops of ice cream.... well you can have it, just not all of it. If you don't get your craving out of the way, you will go over board. Have a least one day where the day is guilt free. That's the only thing I love about the Vemma Bode weight loss system. You use the Bode app with TV celeb Chris Powell, who helps you get through everyday, alerting you eating correctly, when to eat, and what you can have from a huge selection. If your not going to my site , then you must not be that involved with your health, feeling better, increasing your energy. We spend money on fake already made food that tastes like plastic and/or pay them to tell us how good or bad we are doing and that we need to buy this, count that, smell this, exercise at a gym. NOT this program, your in control, get a 2 minute inspiration tip and do your day. Enjoy real food you can buy anywhere along with with your shake, maybe enjoy a cleanse to help you kickstart your system ( 7 days only ). Drink a Bode Burn to get you that afternoon boost without the crash. I just have never felt so GREAT. If I lived in a state where there was a mountain I wood shout it. Maybe I will settle for a roof top.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Well there is nothing like getting kids to eat the...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Well there is nothing like getting kids to eat the...: Well there is nothing like getting kids to eat their veggies. I have tried to make it fun. The best way to get my daughter to eat her vegg...
Well there is nothing like getting kids to eat their veggies. I have tried to make it fun. The best way to get my daughter to eat her veggies or to try a new one, is with " Veggies Tales" the movies. She enjoys eating the characters she see's on the movies. Plus I give her some fat free ranch or french and she can dip her way to a healthy snack. I try to use romaine lettuce instead of bread for a healthy wrap. She LOVES tomatoes so I let her eat them like apples.  She loves to put her seasoning of " garlic sprinkles" on her cucumbers ( I cut them into crazy shapes ) that she eats as her salad before dinner. New veggies such as cauliflower or even broccoli I make into mashed potatoes. They are super good even for adults.  Plus super good for me while I am eating healthy to get my butt thinner for Summer time fun under the umbrella or beach tent. Now that we all are taking our liquid Vemma vitamin supplement and I am on the Bode shake and my daily Burn by Bode everyday is exciting on how well I feel. Remember play time with the kids is the funniest and easiest way to get your exercise in that day, even if it's only 10-15 minutes, that all you need. Simple activities that we do everyday is exercise... walking to the mailbox ( walk back and forth 5 times before going in ), if you have cats and clean the cat box, ut your legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and do minnie squats, putting the dishes away, bend with your knees and raise both arms to put that glass, bowl, or plate away. Just remeber one step at a time, get your self healthy and happiness follows. Hey, worst case just smile they are free and burn calories ( I am serious I Googled it).

Monday, January 19, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: You know when I look at my daughter, I wish I coul...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: You know when I look at my daughter, I wish I coul...: You know when I look at my daughter, I wish I could feel that great about how she is in her skin. She doesn't stress over her butt size,...
You know when I look at my daughter, I wish I could feel that great about how she is in her skin. She doesn't stress over her butt size, how her legs look in shorts, hell she would live her life naked if she could. I am starting to see my body the way she does. I am getting healthier for me, thinner for me. Not other people. We get bombarded by being super skinny, I just wanna get healthier and be as confident as my daughter is. Well I am on that road with the Vemma Bode product, it sure is getting my butt thinner and along with the Verve I feel so much better. I have also found that even though I am not much of a baker, but you can use the Bode shake powder in muffins, for a lighter muffin, healthier for you and taste so good. Plus last night I wanted some ice cream ( not much, don't really care for it, since my gastric bypass it usually makes me ill ) but I took some Almond milk ( I don't drink cow milk, upsets my tummy) and Bode powder two scoops blended it with 4 ice cubes and added some frozen fruit. Put in the freeze for 20-30 minutes. OMG was it good, no tummy upset, got my ice cream craving along with the chocolate craving I wanted so BADLY. If I had gone to the store it would have taken just as long to get something that would have made me fat, wasted gas driving there and back, and flushed my money down the drain spending on fast food junk, plus I would have had to get some for my daughter. But instead I made my own Mommy ice cream. We all loved it and felt great about feeding it to my family. Healthier for us and taste just as great. Vemma even has a coffee flavored drink, I bet I could do something AWESOME with it. I will have to brain storm it tonight and give it a try. Try these products for yourself, why wait your waste line won't.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: A light bulb went off today, I have found a super ...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: A light bulb went off today, I have found a super ...: A light bulb went off today, I have found a super easy way to get some exercise, but having fun with my daughter, Playing tag for 5 minute...
A light bulb went off today, I have found a super easy way to get some exercise, but having fun with my daughter, Playing tag for 5 minutes outside. Hide and seek is awesome. We just now finished a " whistle while we work" house cleaning session. Spent an hour sweeping,moping, dusting house while we listened to Disney songs dressed like princesses. Super easy and burned calories while getting chores done, plus the fun of my little helper was cool. I got to burn calories, clean and spend time with my daughter. After I had a Verve, along with a Bode Cleanse. I feel so great. For lunch I had a simple snack with my Bode shake and my daughter had her simple healthy lunch. Play time with kids is a great way to have fun and burn calories. Then revive with a Verve or a Mojo ( a great ice coffee drink ). I mean it's winter and there is lots to do inside if the weather is awful outside. Also remember don't live by the scale. Weight yourself once a week. Yes ONCE A WEEK. While trying to get healthier your weight will always change. The best way to keep track really is by using the Bode app by Vemma. It helps you keep track. I just love the fact I get to eat REAL food, feel better, and my ass is thanking me for it. Check out for yourself

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning...: Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning with my Vemma liquid supplement. Drank my Bode chocolate Shake. This morning I added a ...
Wow, woke up feeling great. Started off my morning with my Vemma liquid supplement. Drank my Bode chocolate Shake. This morning I added a little strawberry to it with 3 ice cubes, soo gooood, just blended up and go. Then Cindi had her morning Next Vemma supplement drink, jumped into her play Jeep and off she went to conquer her day. I also found the best tuna fish, so fresh tasting without all the junk and LOOKS like tuna. It's is made by Wild Planet. SO great and good for you. It is poll and troll caught which is great for the environment and the sustainability of the Tuna population. You can get on Amazon for a reasonable price, a few cents more then the Main stream Tuna that looks and tastes like cat food after you have this.  I am going to work out a little to day, my daughter wants to, since she watched a Barbie show about working out and getting your heart and body healthier. Since I have been drinking these Vemma liquid nutrition supplements I have never felt so energized. Then later having my after shake, light snack, then a Bode Burn drink. The Burn is AWESOME, it has energy and burns calories, boost metabolism, what to hate about that. Energy without the crash.... hell ya baby. Like I have stated before you have to try these

Friday, January 16, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to ...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to ...: I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to the point when I was 18 yrs of age my mother had me under go a Gastric Bypass. Which hel...
I have been Dieting almost my whole life, even to the point when I was 18 yrs of age my mother had me under go a Gastric Bypass. Which helps but still is not the answer. I have found that over the years is gets harder and  harder to keep the weight off ( especially when you have family that can eat WHAT EVER ), but hey no haters here, well maybe a little. But anyway I have been drinking these products from Vemma , their weight loss product is super easy especially with the phone app that tells you what and when to eat.Super easy. I have past the 10 pound mark with little exercise and not feeling starved or hungry. The nicest thing I don't even really crave the junk food. I drink the Verve drinks for energy, Mojo when I wanna coffee. Liquid vitamins daily, which I haven't felt so good in so long without having to have my B-12 shots and Iron shots ( which my ass / thigh does not miss). I have  finally feel rested. These products have done a wonderful number on my household. I love telling people about them and how it can change their lives. Get with the future and DRINK YOUR VITAMINS. Stop spending money on energy drinks that make you crash and burn and are not even good for you. These are. Check out the science for yourself on my website.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow what a great day. After ANOTHER late night wit...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: Wow what a great day. After ANOTHER late night wit...: Wow what a great day. After ANOTHER late night with my little night owl ( like mother, like daughter). But since we all have been taking o...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. F...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. F...: I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. From starting my own business, traveling, and spending time with my family that if I didn...
I have been so CRAZY busy with some many things. From starting my own business, traveling, and spending time with my family that if I didnt have these products by Vemma, there would be no way for me to be losing weight and feel energized. I am so glad to have become my own boss and to be using these great products from Vemma. The Chris Powell app, that I can use with my Bode product is great. It lets me know exactly when and what to eat. Even if I go out to eat there is a whole huge list to choose from. 7 pounds lost and feeling great. Check it out for yourself .

Friday, January 9, 2015

Start your way to Health and Wealth: My Family starting the Year off RIGHT

Start your way to Health and Wealth: My Family starting the Year off RIGHT: My family seems to be starting the year off to a GREAT start. We are an early to rise family up before 6 am most mornings and my daughter ...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I am off to Vegas to my first University Event. Su...

Start your way to Health and Wealth: I am off to Vegas to my first University Event. Su...: I am off to Vegas to my first University Event. Super excited. Of coarse I started my day off right. Drank my Bode shake ( so good ), Vemma ...
I am off to Vegas to my first University Event. Super excited. Of coarse I started my day off right. Drank my Bode shake ( so good ), Vemma 2 oz shot and worked out a little. Packed and ready to go. My daughter is super excited for her mommy, since making an income at home means she will be home and we can have fun in between. More time with her means fun times together. It's great to be your own boss and with my business EXPLODING, I can plan my day to work and spend quality time with my little girl.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wow, someone sent the COLD to Florida. On days like these I am so glad that I have started my own Business. I got up, drank my Vemma daily nutritional supplement shot 2 oz starts off my day. Drank my weight loss shake Bode and worked out in living room. So warm and toasty in the house and cold and breezy outside. My little one sprang to her feet for her daily 2 oz shot of Next ( her super orange flavored drink ). I am losing weight and feeling get, but the best aspect of all is working for myself. The freedom to sit in my p.j's with funny slippers and make an income that benefits my whole family is a wonderful feeling. I wake up excited to start the day, instead of dreading going to work and faking being happy about the possible micro managing that will a cure that day. So nice to be THE BOSS OF MY

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wow what a great day. After ANOTHER late night with my little night owl ( like mother, like daughter). But since we all have been taking our Daily Vemma nutritional supplement drink, it has been so much easier to get up and motivated. Of coarse the Verve drink helps. Nothing like natural energy with a list of ingredients you can actual pronounce. Even the Dark circles under my husbands eyes look better. He no longer looks like he has been up for 72 hours with no sleep. We all are feeling so great.Check out the site for yourself.

Monday, January 5, 2015

I am the Woman of my own Business

I am have never had my own business, I have always been a paid slave for another person. Finally I have a business of my own. Something to be super proud of. I am taking it one step at a time ( even though my husband would LOVE to have a big fat check now ) but I am working through the steps and the best part is losing the weight and feeling so much better in the mean time. My spirits are higher, NO more iron shots for me. Having had a gastric bypass it is super hard to absorb any kind of pill, and well after a while shots get horrible. But now that my Iron levels are higher along with my B-12. I feel just great. People you have to at least try this product, even if it's just to feel better, energized and ready to conquer the world. Of coarse my family is feeling the benefit, to the point I now have my Dad on the weight loss and nutritional vitamin supplement drinks, even the energy drink ( which he loves ). My father is suspect about everything and even he is starting to see a difference. Please check out, if to just to sample it for yourself. Try it today

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Wonderful day

Looking to have a wonderful day. Waking up to a great day in Florida the weather is so lovely. We all drank our Vemma this morning, along with a Mojo natural coffee energy drink for me this AM. My daughter is sleeping in her own bed but likes Mommy to read for at least 1 hour. So I ned all the energy I can get. Started off my morning with my Bode weight loss shake, a little exercise on my elliptical machine and then the trampoline for a total work out of 25 minutes this AM. I have a big day of working on my own business ( since I am my own Boss ) is Awesome sauce, I love make the effort for myself and not someone else. After spending 16 plus years of working for Dentists and making them a pretty dollar, it's nice to make that dollar for myself and feel good about it. Not that I don't love dentistry but being your own Boss is so much more satisfying. Be your own boss, it pays you

Friday, January 2, 2015

My Family starting the Year off RIGHT

My family seems to be starting the year off to a GREAT start. We are an early to rise family up before 6 am most mornings and my daughter is ready to drink her Vemma Next. She loves the taste and I feel great giving it to her so i know she will have the vitamins she needs to have an energy filled day. Plus when she becomes picky at dinner time and doesn't want to eat all her veggies, I know she is good cause of her Vemma Next. My husband works at our local airport and is around people all day from all over the Country, so usually he comes into contact with some crazy colds, then of coarse not getting enough sleep doesn't help. But since he has started drinking his daily Vemma vitamin supplement drink ( V2 ) he has felt better, no long has dark circles under his eyes, plus being a guy and very lazy the drink is easier for him to remember then the vitamin pills he tried to take in the past. I on the other hand have been drinking the weight loss product along with the Vemma daily shot drink and for my energy needs any of the Verve products ( all are super tasty). SO far I have lost almost 5 pds after 17 days with little exercise, An 1 inch off my waist. This week I have kicked up my daily work out to at least 25 minutes in the morning, living in Florida the weather is great to take an early stroll. But best part of getting my family healthier is that I get to make an income doing so. Try it for If you just wanna get healthier go to or for both . I mean how many people get paid to get healthy..... not